TDU Stats
Hours travelling... 36
Kilometres covered... 10942.81
Kilometres to go... 3898
Remaining UK money... 63p
Number of times Naomi fell asleep during Singapore tour... 27
Number of sleep related injuries... 1 (hitting my head on the tour bus railings)
Singapore slings supped... 2
$ spent on Singapore slings... 65!! Plus tip!!
Days emergency cadburys lasted... 1 (Thankyou Crowthers!)
Temp in Singapore... 34degree C
Days before Chris got sunburnt... 1
So we are now at Singapore airport which has instantly become our favourite airport for 2 reasons. Number 1, free wifi! And number 2, the snooze lounge!! In fact the airport has so much more... Free cinema, butterfly garden, free sight seeing tours and the list goes on. But really what more can you ask for than snoozing and surfing!
We are currently sat having coffee waiting for our final flight to Perth. Here is an overview of our journey so far..
Manchester airport
Arrived at 5.30am and amazingly checked in all our luggage(2 cases, 2 bikes and 1 rucksack) all under our baggage allowance... With a little bit of help from the friendly check-in lady!
Proceeded to play the change game for the first time ever in UK. The game basically involves trying to use up all foreign change. The person who buys the most interesting thing or manages to spend every last penny wins. At 6am we were too tired to fully commit to the game and settled for buying as much as we could from cafe Nero.
Then a quick 2 hour flight to Munich followed by a looooooong 12 hour hop to Singapore.
Singapore City
Chris had the fantastic idea to stop over in Singapore to break up the journey. A good idea in theory but in reality we had 18 hours between flights to see as much as we could all the while desperately fighting heavy eyelids!
We decided to do the hop on- hop off bus tour. I'm not sure how many loops of the city we did before I finally woke up! At least Chris got a good view of the city, I got a good view of the insides of my eyelids!
We hopped off at the Botanical gradens and after another quick power nap we decided to get a bite to eat before setting off to explore the gardens. Now I love botanical gardens and Singapore did not let us down! We spent 3.5 hours looking at all the different plants and wildlife and planning my new career as a great western australian explorer/scientist! My favourite spot - giant Lilly pads! Chris's favourite.. A wild croc! Check out the pics below!!
After walking for 3.5 hours in 34 degree heat and my feet having swollen to the size of marrows, we set off to Raffles Hotel Long Bar for a Singapore Sling... As did pretty much every other tourist in Singapore!
Singapore Airport
So back to the airport for our final 5 hour flight to Perth. Feeling much more refreshed after taking full advantage of the snooze lounge. Currently sat in a coffee shop called The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. I chose this cafe because of some funny memories from my last trip to Malaysia/Singapore. Raman and I had decided to travel 10 hours in a sweaty bus from Sabah in Malaysia to Brunei so we could check another country off our list. So after 10 hours on a bus travelling over very bumpy road ( made 100 x worse due to a severely sunburnt back!) with no less than 6 immigration check points, we finally arrived in Brunei only to find that literally the only thing to do was sit in The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf cafe! I lost count of how many drinks we had during our short 2 day stay!
So that's all for now!
Team Stack xxx