Christmas 2013 was certainly an unusual Christmas for Team Stack. This is the first year we have been away from home, the first time we have celebrated on the beach and the first time in 8 years that Chris has only eaten one Christmas dinner!
It didn't really feel like Christmas in the 40 degree heat, so rather than try to keep up with our old traditions, we set about creating some new ones! On Christmas morning we woke up at around 5am....the first time I've not had to wait for my sleepy (usually hungover!) brothers to get up before opening my presents! Chris and I swapped parcels then headed to City Beach for a boozy breakfast. First new tradition....champagne on the beach!! Second new tradition... BBQ bacon!
All Our Pressies!
Guess what we got each other!
The beach was packed! People had brought BBQs, picnics, Christmas trees and lights to set up on the beach! Everyone was wearing bikinis or boardies with santa hats! We had a great time in the sea and got some fantastic photos.....until a pesky wave decided to steal my new camera! City beach has some seriously big waves and I managed to get dumped by the surf loosing my new GoPro camera in the process! Little did I know that losing the camera was ruining Chris's plans for later in the week! Fortunately I managed to buy a new camera the same day so only a few photos were lost!
City Beach
Christmas Jumpers (Not worn for long, we were roasting!)
Later on we went to the Wager-Sheps for Christmas dinner. The Wager-Sheps (also known as Andrew and Amy) are a lovely couple we've met here in Perth and were kind enough to invite us over for Christmas dinner...vegetarian style! Andrew also introduced Chris to Jura whiskey so I took home a rather gizzoned Chris!
At home we managed to Skype the Greenwoods and the Evans' and had another fun pressie opening session! We got spoilt by all the cards and gifts people sent...THANKYOU! Luckily some Old traditions remained, we still had the awesome stockings, unfortunately due to quarantine regulations, we had plastic fruit!
Some old traditions never die!
Plastic Fruit!
Boxing Day
Boxing day started with a trip to our local electronics shop to pick up my new camera! Finally Chris started to relax....I still wasn't sure why he was so stressed about the camera!!
We decided to test the camera out by going on a mountain bike ride. Chris and I have signed up for a 7 stage MTB race in Alice Springs so we wanted to get some training in. We planned to do about 50km of MTB-ing, but as usual...we got a little lost and ended up doing nearer 60km. The ride started off fairly easy and Chris went flying off ahead....he didn't realise we were on a slight down hill with a massive tail wind....until we had turn around!! We cycled 30km down hill only to have to climb 30km against the wind! Chris nearly died and in 38 degree heat, he nearly melted too! Fortunately about 15km from home we stumbled across a gorgeous lake where we could cool down with a swim and an ice-cream!
Lake Leschenaultia - Near Chidlow
Engagement Day! (Totally showing off I know! :-D)
Chris had asked me to keep Dec 27th free because he had planned a surprise date for me. He told me to pack my new snorkel gear but wouldn't give me any other information! All I knew was that there were some secret phone calls going on! I guessed Chris had hired someone to show us some of the good snorkelling spots in Perth, however I became quite confused when we drove inland from the coast! As we were driving along it started to rain (rain??? in Perth???) and Chris got another secret phone call. When he came back to the car he did not look impressed. The weather meant our trip would have to be delayed or possibly cancelled. So to pass the time Chris pulled in to the nearest café...and would you believe it was called "The Spud Shed!" Most people who know me will know that my least favourite food is the spud! So far, I was not impressed with my surprise date!
The spudshed! Going well....
Eventually after another secret phone call, we were given the go ahead. By now (After studying the map looking for clues of where we were surrounded only by an airport and aviation related businesses, sat next to a table of pilots, another of flying firefighters and a few flying medics) I had guessed that we were going scuba diving and we were going to learn how to do it in a swimming pool!!!!!! As we drove along past all the flying schools, flying ambulances, flying fire bombers and air-strips, it still never occurred to me that I had guessed wrong (I'm usually a very good guesser!!) and rather than diving....we would (in case you hadn't guessed by now) be flying! I even said to Chris "If I hadn't already guessed we were diving, and didn't know better I would have thought we would be flying!!!" Finally as we pulled into a car park for Rottnest Air Taxi I realised my guessing wasn't as good as I thought, and Chris' ability to keep secrets had improved!!
Our Little Plane
Our pilot came to collect us and we walked over to our little plane. It was tiny, just enough room for me, Chris and the pilot! We had a beautiful flight over Perth and then headed across the sea to Rottnest Island! Since going to Rottnest earlier in the year, it has become one of my favourite places. I didn't realise our last trip had been a dry run for today's surprise!
1st officer Naomi
View South along Perth coast towards Mandurah
View North from Fremantle up to City Beach, Scarborough, Hillarys...
Coming in to land at Rotto
Looking down at the Plebs in their boats!
We landed at Rotto then set off to hire some bikes and go for a picnic. Once we collected our bikes, the sun came out and it was a beautiful day! We cycled round looking for a nice picnic spot and managed to find a completely empty beach!
Porpoise Bay - Not a bad little spot!
By now I had guess the plane ride wasn't my only surprise! At the end of the story, Chris got on one knee and asked the question and gave me my beautiful ring! Of course I said yes, but we couldn't remember which finger the ring went on!! Chris then pulled out the champagne and we had a lovely picnic, although, with the nerves, we had both lost our appetites!!
We spent the rest of the afternoon snorkelling and taking lots of pictures with our new new GoPro camera! After the Christmas day wave incident...I wasn't allowed to wear my new ring!
For when one burger wont quite do! (Appetite had returned)!
Mmmm yummy pasta and Margaret River Wine!
Cottesloe Beach - Indiana is the building you can see in the centre of the shot
After dinner we headed home to Skype with the family and share our exciting news!
Thanks Chris for the best day ever!
The 28th was Chris' Birthday and we had an amazing time with loads of friends over crammed into our tiny house for a BBQ, celebrating the recent good news and Chris making it to 27 without going too bald!
The day was also spent with phones, facebook, emails and Skype buzzing constantly with so many lovely messages from everyone at Home as well as new friends here wishing us the best. We couldn't reply to everyone as our fingers would have dropped off, but they meant a lot to know people were thinking of us even when we are so far away so thank you!
Anyway best get off, got some wedding planning to do! We are heading down south next week on a road trip so keep checking, we will try get another post up to keep you updated!
Team Stack!

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