Tuesday 15 December 2015

The Wedding Blog - Part 2

The Big Day

So far, in the 2 weeks I'd been home, we had been extremely lucky with the weather! Long sunny days with temperatures reaching up to 28 degrees! It had been lovely! 

Booking an outdoor wedding in the UK, even in Summer was pretty risky, but things were looking good and the forecast was promising another beautiful day.

I woke up early on the wedding morning and immediately looked out of the window to see what the weather was doing. Oh dear... grey skies, drizzle and a thick layer of fog meaning I couldn't see past the end of the garden. Oh well... better pack my wellies!

For the first time since booking the wedding, I started to regret choosing a tent... in a field.... on a farm... in Yorkshire. What was I thinking?!

Mum had the wedding morning organised to the minute. She got us all up and out of bed and down to the salon in Holmfirth for 7am. Here we all had our hair and make-up done whilst sipping our first of many glasses of Champagne. Mum even ran out to do a bacon butty run for the hairdressers who had kindly opened the salon early and exclusively for us! 


War paint or wedding make-up?

With the rain still drizzling we ran from the salon to Mum's car, but along the way I managed to run into a low hanging bush almost destroying my carefully crafted hair-do! Ooops...a quick run back to the salon to get fixed up! Mum getting slightly stressed about the timing!

Back at home we quickly got changed into our wedding gear, had the obligatory "getting ready photos" and managed to squeeze in another glass of Champagne before the wedding cars arrived!

Beautiful hanger hand-made by Danni. Thankyou!

Concentrate...Don't stack in heels!

Mum and I (I'm the one in white!)

Father of the bride

Quick.. we're late... run to the cars!

Amazingly, the fog has started to lift, the drizzle had stopped and the sun was threatening to make an appearance!

The wedding cars were awesome! We hired two old-fashioned VW beetles to take us to the church (about an hours drive away!). Much to Mum's surprise, we actually arrived at the church early, so we had to do a few laps of the village first!

Bridesmaids ready!

Mother of the bride ready! 

Too early!

Groom and Best Man preparing for wedding! Don't lose the rings!

Photo sent to me by my brothers who were in charge of the wedding cake!

The wedding ceremony took place in an old church in the village in which Chris and I grew up. We had spent many years playing out together in the church grounds as kids, it was lovely to come back here to get married.

The ceremony was lovely and just what we had hoped for. Before we knew it, we were married. Oh and the vicar did forget to say "you may now kiss the bride!"

We made it to the church!

Groom and Best Man waiting at the front of church

Walking down the aisle

Signing the register...all starting to get official!

We met up with all our guests after the ceremony and had a few pictures taken before heading off to our wedding reception. By now the sun was out, with clear blues skies! We were able to put down the VW roof for our drive back to the farm! 

Driving to the farm, roof down, champagne in hand!

A touch of WA

Neither Chris nor I had seen the venue as everything had been arranged on line. So when we arrived at the farm, we were amazed! The tents looked great, the scenery was beautiful and the sun was shining! Perfect!

The rest of the day seemed to go by so quickly! We were lucky enough to have an amazing photographer (Elliot Photography) whose photos really capture the day way more than my words possible could, so please enjoy these fantastic photos!

Chris and I would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all our family and friends who contributed to the best day of our lives! We hope you all had as much fun as we did!

VW beetles...church...confetti...whisky...roof down...wedding bus...ice cream...tents...farms...dancing during dinner...tapas...eton mess...champagne...speeches...balloons...welly wanging...tractor rides...hay bails...limbo...music...dancing...pizza oven...VW camper...photo booth... cake...surprise hog roast...photos...stormy normys...cocktails...sun glasses...sun shine...family...friends...LOVE! 

Beautiful day on the farm!

The Evanses 

Groomsmen and Bridesmaids

Welly wanging!

The Greenies


Everyone enjoying the speeches!

Father of the bride speech

Groom's speech

Best man's speech

Get that welly!

Mum preaching from the back of a quad bike!

Quad bike fun!

Cheesey dancing!

Is it working?

Home time!

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